CrossOver Mac runs Windows productivity software, utility programs, and games all in one application. And without the overhead of a virtual machine, programs and games can run as fast or faster than they would under a Windows operating system. 2,919 1-click install via CrossTie applications in database. 264,034 total CrossTie downloads to date. Trimble Sketchup 2014 is the top downloaded CrossTie with 6,548 downloads. World of Warcraft is the top voted application with 16 votes.
Crossover Windows Mac
In the Beginning...
In 1996, Jeremy White started CodeWeavers to do general-purpose business software development. Then, a year later, everything changed. Jeremy ran across this technology called Wine.
A New Mission...
The more Jeremy looked at Wine, the cooler he thought it was. Because if it realized its potential, Wine could free the PC computing desktop from the shackles of Microsoft Windows. There would be plurality in the desktop world. There would be choice. There would be innovation.
With that, Jeremy completely re-oriented CodeWeavers around Wine. Our mission became: Transforming Unix into a Windows®-compatible operating system.

Crossover Software

First Services, then Products...
CodeWeavers' initial business was to help companies port their Windows applications to the Linux desktop. In 2001, CodeWeavers also became a product company, with the first release of our award-winning CrossOver compatibility software for Linux. We've been selling both products and services ever since.
Digital Crossover Software Mac Pro
Our Continuing Mission...
With the announcement of Apple's move to the Intel platform in 2007, CodeWeavers released CrossOver Mac. This also broadened the company's range of services into Mac ports as well. To date, we've done Mac ports for a wide range of consumer applications, as well as some very well-known game titles. We are now doing Android ports as well. Our mission remains the same: bringing Windows compatibility to Unix-based operating systems, without saddling our customers with the need to run Windows.