Future Horizon Deck

Jan 15, 2020  New future horizon pack opening on Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links looking for the new cyber dragon cards as well as the new dark magician ⬇️ - CHECK THESE OUT - ⬇️ SUBSCRIBE - https://bit.ly/2whX6gY.

Deck layouts, review of facilities, activities, amenities

Pullmantur Horizon deck plan review at CruiseMapper provides newest cruise deck plans (2020-2021-2022 valid floor layouts of the vessel) extracted from the officially issued by Pullmantur deckplan pdf (printable version).

Each of the Pullmantur Horizon cruise ship deck plans are conveniently combined with a legend (showing cabin codes) and detailed review of all the deck's venues and passenger-accessible indoor and outdoor areas. A separate link provides an extensive information on Pullmantur Horizon staterooms (cabins and suites), including photos, cabin plans and amenities by room type and category.

Deck layouts

  • Deck 04 - Cyan

  • Deck 06 - Azur

  • Deck 08 - Cobalt

  • Deck 10 - Indigo

  • Deck 12 - Ciel

Pullmantur Horizon deck plans are property of Pullmantur. All deck layouts are for informational purposes only and CruiseMapper is not responsible for their accuracy.

Okay I’ve been spending time with my family, which I find some cool, but the kids have been pissing me off, and my cousin constantly sapping off my hotspot like a leech, so this blogging time is sort of me time, which I sort of need.

Konami slipped up and made the newest main box available for us to see in the new leaks, which honestly looks okay on the surface, but has some cards that can prove key in the future.

Superheavy Samurai make their debut, and PSY-Frames thank god no Omega, along with Artifacts with like one really good one and the others just being there. Cyber Dragons are also finally playable so to all of you players who stuck it out, i salute to you.

Ok let’s get started.



Stardust Spark Dragon


The Duel Dragons, the manga equivalent of Signer Dragons have made their debut here too, with this card being the starting representative. This will add to the toolbox style of play for synchros, so let’s look at how this see how this matches up against the current format now.

SPOILERS, it doesn’t really match up particularly well. I don’t think the top decks, Darklords and Elementsabers, give two shits about this since neither really use destruction effects, Ritual Beast’s alternative source of removal is bouncing with Pettlefin, and then Crystrons just Banish with Quariongandrax or just use Ametrix to control the field.

The two decks that this guard against is Blackwings and Shiranuis, one and can just overwhelm Spark with power and Shiranuis can use their backrow to flip this face down and take advantage and rape the poor bastard.

This kind of dropped in on the wrong format, but even then it has very stiff competition with its anime counterpart, and personally I find Negation and Destruction more tempting than simple protection, regardless if Stardust Dragon removes itself from the field, since it can troll the occasional Yubel player, yes those still come up sadly.

I’m not really a fan of this card, but I just hope a time and a place comes so when people don’t feel too bad about getting this, like say if Blue Eyes get Spirit Dragon, which I think will be a very long time away. If anything, I hope they add Black Rose Moonlight Dragon or Hot Red Dragon Archfiend because those are the really good Duel Dragons.


Chimeratech Rampage Dragon


It’s a monster that can setup for other bigger Fusions or setting up for other options like sending Cyber Dragon Core to the GY to search Cybernetic Overflow to destroy or Fusion to summon Twin or End, either for the OTK, or to get over pesky monsters.

It’s also an OTK enabler itself for being able to attack twice with the effect applied and too top it all off it’s not even a hard once per turn so you can stack multiple Rampages for a bigger OTK.

Definitely worth using 2 in your Extra Deck, but it’s not anything that can bounce the deck to high tier status.




I wasn’t there for the format when Tragoedia was played in every deck, so forgive me if I miss anything.

It’s very interesting is what I’ll give it, not many hand traps in the game, let alone ones that can punish opponents for playing into it, but it needs the scenario to be very specific to be a huge threat or even a threat at all. For one there needs to be a lot of cards in hand for this to be large enough to survive the battle phase and in a game like Duel Links you’ll be hard pressed to find one that gives you a lot of advantage, and not be winning.

You need a monster in hand to use as fuel for Tragoedia to steal an opponents monster which isn’t a tall order unless you’re playing against Darklords in which case you’re in bad luck due to the fact they can negate the boost and steal while having awkward levels all around.

Lastly, you need survive a hit for the special summon to go off, which in a game like DL when the OTKs can be rampant, is a hard prospect to achieve and neigh impossible without a shit ton of defense, and you’d rather have cards in hand to protect yourself from that OTK, and not bank on losing outright.

It just requires a lot of moving parts to bust out a card that I feel can be more on the win more side.


Artifact Lancea


The last few changes have felt like nonstop wins for Darklord players hasn’t it? They’re still tier 1 despite the banlist, they heavily appreciated he release of Shiranuis pushing back their worst matchups in Elementsabers and Blackwings, and now i think they’re the deck that benefits the most from having a card like Lancea.

Crystrons can’t Banish, which in some cases is just a death sentence, same thing for Ritual Beasts when they can’t access any of the Fusions for the turn, which will stress the use of Bond to at least get access during yours. Shiranuis sort of like having the option to banish to utilize their effects, and you can make an Invoked player lose their Fusion effect or at least make them go into the wrong fusion if you time it right.

Blackwings is another deck that benefits from the same things too given how they can play a lot off of 1 card.

This is a card that will only see more play as time goes on due to how Yugioh has had more and more decks with banish as a focal point come up so it doesn’t make sense not to look out for this.


D.D. Warrior Lady


It is objectively better than D.D. Warrior, but I think it doesn’t mean much when its just higher stats, when you’re likely just gonna troll them with a set anyways. If anything you can troll with a deck of the DD family, but I mean is that really worth it.

I think this is simultaneously better and worse than D.D. Warrior as far as how to get them, which I don’t feel like getting into specifics about.


Superheavy Samurai Daihachi


It’s a 3 of no doubt. You can search on summon or use it as a body that can dodge cards like Drowning or Dimensional Prison, and it helps when paired with Soulpiercer and Soulpeacemaker it can generate some great searching, as well as generate a field sufficient to making relevant plays to get going with the deck, at least if they don’t Canadia or Floodgate it.

Kind of feels weird that we got Superheavy Samurai so far way from when Arc V is expected, 2 years from now actually, so it makes me wonder if Konami doesn’t think Duel Links will last until then, or they think Gongenzaka isn’t coming, which I wouldn’t care for honestly. Well they did the same to Axel and Volcanics and I’m pretty sure Axel’s in the files so I’m thinking they’ll both arrive, maybe.


Dark Magical Circle

Yugioh Duel Links Future Horizon


Okay yes this will give new life to Dark Magician, but I’ve been seeing people saying that this will make Dark Magician meta all by itself but let’s address everything before we call it. Not being able to search Rod or Timaeus (says Dark Magician Monster not specifically Dark Magician) is one thing, but this this comes with a slew of inherent problems.

The first thing that comes to mind is that each effect is a HARD once per turn, which means you can’t stack searches or banish multiple cards off this. This means having 2 copies or god forbid 3 in your opening hand is going to be a problem, that problem being clogging.

This will clog your backrow, which DM is heavily affected by. DM decks can live and die by the backrow, see Eternal Soul for more details, and Duel Links only having 3 spaces for backrow means that you’ll be clogging up your field and hand with backrow pieces, ESPECIALLY if you played multiple Circles throughout the game.

Lastly, it’s not a straightforward search. I get excavating and rearranging is good stuff, but there’s always the possibility you miss, or you get a card that you don’t need at the moment like Dark Magic Attack, and in some cases that can break a game.

Future Horizon Saudi Arabia

It doesn’t help either that Cosmic can “negate” the activation due to being a continuous spell, nor does it really fix the issue DM has with faster paced decks like Blackwings, nor decks that can dodge targeting and don’t mind the Banish too much like Crystrons or Ritual Beasts

It’s a great card, but due to the cloggy nature of this card, I would say play 2 if you’re really scared of all of that or need the extra tech space. If you don’t mind the brick and clog potential and want access to DM as fast as possible, play 3.


Overload Fusion


This is pretty good stuff that is ran at one, it definitely up for a big monster like End or Twin in a pinch, but you don’t really want to use it often due to exhausting resources. I think it’s also the only reliable way for Cyberdarks to go into Darkness Dragon, but it needs A LOT of setup.

It’s also searchable off of Keeper for whatever that’s worth. It also has synergy with Cybernetic Fusion to get access to other Fusions.


Chain Disappearance


Kind of good against Ritual Beasts due to their reliance on Elder which can cost them a monster for an opening, and I’m pretty sure what everyone’s first thought was, Aleister in Invoked decks.

Catching the first Aleister with this can be huge as they don’t have many reliable options to send Invocation to the grave for its grave effect to recycle Aleister, and in any case they’re playing with 1 Aleister for the rest of the game essentially.

There’s one problem, if it’s being boosted on the time it’s summoned, say with a field spell with Yami, and it’s over the 1000 cap, it won’t go off, so who’s ready for Power of Dark Meta ladies and gentlemen?? Granted it’s niche and Palace of the Elemental Lords provides that boost and more, but it’s not at the start of the duel like Power of Dark. Something to consider and at the very least it’s not solely limited to Aleister given Crystrons, Cyberdarks, and Blue Boi are susceptible to the same thing.

However due to the limited nature of this card it will very likely not see play, unless the meta is swarming with monsters below 1000 ATK.


Future horizon saudi arabia

The name Future Horizon makes sense, since a good portion of the cards here are liable to get some sort of support in the future, right in the horizon if you don’t mind me saying, even though right now it isn’t much if I’m being honest.

Lancea is clearly gonna be a contender from here on out, and should always be in the back of everyone’s mind, wait until we get Scythe. Superheavies are decent, and I actually have hope for them for their ability to deal with some back backrow with their Synchro, but we’ll have to wait and see given that if you can cut off their monsters it’s literally gg from there.

I feel kind of bad for Cyber Dragon players for literally having 1 Main Box after the other one, neither of which I feel are particularly good boxes.

Don’t get me wrong, it has some very interesting support like Tunningware and Synchro Fusionist and we already have Seraphonite. It takes one certain card for all of it to come crashing down on the format like a wrecking ball, and Konami is definitely the kind of company to slip up on that regard.

The potential of Cyber Dragons is there, we just need the XYZ Era to come to grant us cards like Infinity or even just Nova. You guys stuck it out for this long, why not wait longer? Thanks for reading and this is DK Signing off.