Virtual Dj Lame_enc Dll Download

Last edit by GODJCWITHUS, Limited edition user on Sat 12 Oct 13 @ 8:48 am

Broadcasting Howto

LAME is an open source audio encoder. The encoder is not a graphical application that you can double-click, but a command-line tool, usable from the Terminal.

(From H. Jakovski)
I will try to explain the broadcasting feature of Virtual DJ a bit more detailed. Broadcasting itself sounds very easy but you need different knowledge about networking, TCP/IP, a bit of Firewalling, Router configuration and IP Networking
Most people have nearly the same standard setup of their equipment. The internet connection came from the provider and gets connected to an Router. From there you have cables to each PC/MAC or uses WLAN to connect them wireless.
One important thing at first - if you want to stream music to others you need enough bandwidth as upstream to the Internet. UMTS/HSDPA/GPRS is normally not fast enough to stream to more than 1 or 2 people at the same time with acceptable bitrate so this is a setup nearly nobody uses in praxis.
Most setups look like this:
Broadcasting direct with Virtual DJ
Important to know - there are 2 different IP Addresses you need to know before you can stream to the Internet. First the external 'real' Internet IP Address (this is the one your Router gets from your ISP) and second the internal IP Address your Virtual DJ computer has.
The WAN-Address called IP will be provided from your ISP every time your Router reconnects to the Internet. You have no influence which number you get from the ISP. Most ISPs disconnect once a day (mostly at night) so you might get a new WAN IP in that moment. (Important to know because when they disconnect while you stream then you have a prob)Enc
For streaming you need tho understand the concept of Ports on your computer. Imagine a House with 1000s of doors and one of them is for the music. The default streaming Port is 8000. Users that want to connect from outside need to know your external IP and your external Streaming port (8000) because they only can see your Router as a Gateway to your Network.
To hear the stream the Port 8000 from Virtual DJ has to be handed outside via the Router to the listening Users or a Streaming Server. So all you have to do is to forward your external Port 8000 to the internal Virtual DJ PC with a fixed IP and it's Streaming port 8000.
Please look in your Documentation for your used Router about how to make Port forwarding with it.
You must login to your Routers Web interface - normally by entering username and password. These are NOT the Login credentials for Virtual DJ Website or the Login for your Windows. The Login for the Router is different and should be explained in your Router Manual.
More information(s) about how to forward you can find here:
If you now have problems to understand the part you read up to this point then you better should not stream. If you make experiments on your Router or Computer Firewall things can be damaged or illegal access from the Internet can be a result of mis-configuration.
You can check the port forwarding with a handy small Tool:
If you still want to setup your own stream then it's time to collect the needed information(s) for the port forwarding.

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First we will collect the IP-Address of your (internal) Virtual DJ streaming PC/MAC. On Windows click on 'Start' and 'Execute'. Enter cmd and press Enter/Return. A black Window opens and gives you a DOS Shell with a command prompt. Please enter ipconfig and press Enter/Return.
You get a result that should look like this:
Shell - IPConfig wrote :
Ethernetadapter Wireless Networking:
IP-Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnetmask. . . . . . . . . . . :
Standardgateway . . . . . . . . . :

Write down the IP Address you get there. It's the internal IP of your Streaming Computer. Now we want to get the external / WAN IP. There are different ways to do this. We can get the information by entering this Website for example: Write down the shown IP - it's your external WAN-IP. This is the IP you give to your friends to directly connect to your stream later.
The next part i think is the difficult one because you have to forward the port on your Router. Enter the Administration Page of the Router and go to the port forwarding settings.
Enter a new Rule and fill in your collected Data - external WAN IP, internal IP of your Streaming Computer and the Port which should be forwarded 8000. As Protokoll you should enter TCP and UDP. On some Routers you can do this with just one Rule on others you need to enter two separate Rules - one for TCP - one for UDP.
Now it's time to start your Virtual DJ and click on the Record tab and select direct streaming from your Computer.
It's important that you have enough UPLOAD Bandwidth. This is typically NOT the same Bandwidth as you have in downstream. So the best is to check how much UPSTREAM you have. You can measure the Bandwidth on this page:
Many Routers do NOT support connections from your internal LAN to the external WAN Interface of the Router itself. If you want to listen to your own stream from a second computer you have to use the internal IP you wrote down earlier.

In most cases you want to stream in MP3 format. For this you need the lame_enc.dll which you can download here for example. Put this .dll in your Virtual DJ Plugins folder and select it in the Record dialog.
Enter you UPSTREAM Bitrate - remember to calculate how many Users you want to have with your meassured upstream Bitrate. Virtual DJ sends in Shoutcast or Icecast Format similarly to a real server. Users who want to connect to the stream have to use a Streaming Music client like Winamp, VLC Player, Mediaplayer ... They are NOT able to connect with Firefox, Opera or any other Browser.
Broadcasting with a real Shoutcast / Icecast Server

Lame Enc Download

The configuration is the same as you do when you direct broadcast from your Computer. Just change the Streaming option to 'Stream to a server'. Now enter your Streaming Server login data in the given fields and that's it. Connect to your server and here we go.
For streaming in MP3 format you also need the lame_enc.dll as described above.
(From H. Jakovski)

Lame Enc Dll Audacity 2.1.1

Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα GR Wiki
LAME MP3 Encoder is the best mp3 encoder and is available for free! LAME originally stood for LAME A in't an M p3 E ncoder. LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding.
Last update 5 May. 2014 | old versionsLicence Free OS Support Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista x64, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP x64 DownloadsTotal: 208,645 | Last week: 54Ranking#19 in Audio ToolsPublisherThe Lame Project
Editor's rating:Read the editor's review

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LAME MP3 Encoder Editor's Review

LAME is a software codec designed to encode audio data in the MP3 format. LAME is one of the most highly-regarded MP3 encoders, capable of converting audio data to the lossy MP3 format with minimal decline in quality. LAME is a command-line program but there are various separate front ends that offer a GUI (graphical user interface).
The source code for LAME is free, licensed under the LGPL (the GNU Lesser General Public License, meaning that anyone can copy and share LAME); however, LAME uses certain proprietary technologies which aren't licensed as freeware so a compiled version of LAME could be in violation of those patents. Developers who use LAME in their technologies may need to obtain a patents license.
Pros: Free, produces high-quality MP3s
Cons: Command-line operated, requires a separate GUI.
Conclusion: Still one of the best free MP3 encoders around.

LAME MP3 Encoder Publisher's Description

LAME MP3 Encoder is the best mp3 encoder and is available for free! LAME originally stood for LAME A in't an M p3 E ncoder. LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding.
Features of LAME MP3 Encoder:
- Many improvements in quality in speed over ISO reference software.
- MPEG1,2 and 2.5 layer III encoding.
- CBR (constant...

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