- VirtualDJ Remote 8.0.0 (772488) apk
Virtual DJ comes with a bunch of features that are perfect for mid-level enthusiasts and anyone who wants to become a professional DJ. This program was developed with an easy to use interface. After a few minutes learning the options that Virtual DJ offers. Download virtual dj mixer android, virtual dj mixer android, virtual dj mixer android download free. Virtual DJ Mixer. DJ Virtual Mix. Become a DJ with this application full of sounds. Cross DJ Free. The app for professional DJs.
Free Video Players & Editors
Published & copyrighted by Atomix Productions America Inc
Packagename: org.atomixproductions.VirtualDJRemote
Updated: December 25, 2017
Downloads : 30,000+
Version: 8.0.0 (772488)
Requires Android: Android 4.1, 4.1.1(JELLY_BEAN,API 16)
File Size: 10 MB
APK Signature: 61ed377e85d386a8dfee6b864bd85b0bfaa5af81
APK Md5: 3b06b10014472a6e179fa26887d4e4a2
APK SH1: 6f249f0e0cf97463d3d24e124b18bebbc575fc04
Verified safe to install
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Complete changelog is accessible here:
How to install apk with obb data
To install the APK with OBB/Data, you will need to have:- APK file
- OBB or Data folder (usually a zip file downloaded from internet)
Install APK on Your Android Phone
First you need to install the APK file on your android phone. In order to do that, simply follow the steps below:
- Place the APK file in your phone’s SDcard or Internal memory (preferably external SDcard).
- Browse your phone memory/external memory and tap on the APK file.
- Click ‘install’
- Wait for the APK to install.
- Do not run the application yet.
- After successful installation, you need to place the Data / OBB file in the right place.
Virtual DJ Mixer 2020 1.0 APK
provides some songs in the play with the equalizer support.You can add playlist from sdcard or the default playlist (MP3).
allows you to play music to become a professional DJ.
Key Features:-
* Best DJ user interface like a real dj machine where the virtual dj machine is flying and where you can move around the virtual dj machine for seeing its beauty from different angles by justscrolling. Lock and reset feature is available at the top-right corner of the screen to reset to the original position
* Discs with album arts
* Central control to play/pause next/previous both the discs
* Autofade ( Automatic Crossfade ) with adjustable timer & ON/OFF feature
* Button click fade – it's like autofade on clicking the buttons
* Manual song shift slider / crossfader
* Mixer with playlist, equalizer, volume controls and many features

* First ever virtual dj app with 10 Band Equalizer - Under the Dj push-button-sliding, beautifully animated 10 Band Equalizer for Android 2.3+. 10 bands give you more precise control with moreaccuracy. 17 in-built presets in the equalizer - Classical, Club, Dance, Full Bass, Full Bass and Treble, Full Treble, Headphones, Large Hall, Live, Party, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Ska, Soft, Soft Rock &Techno
* Sampler Addon - 4 sets (Default, 808 Drum Kit, Drum Kit, Rise n Drop - each having 6 sound samples) with 3 modes of play - Play/Cut Play, Loop and Play/Stop
Virtual Dj Apk Pc
* Record - Record your performance / mixes / remixes / music with the record feature at the top-center of this dj app
* Pre-cueing / Pre-listening / Split Audio Output
* Pitch Slider
* Sound Effects / SFX
* Low Pass Filter & High Pass Filter
* 4 Hot Cues per turntable / deck
* Loop features - In/Out, Seconds & Reloop/Exit
* Cue Buttons
* Play/Pause Next/Previous per turntable / deck
* Shuffle / Play All / Play Single
Download an application of this DJ mixing mp3 now and enjoy the best.'>0 votes, 0/ 5
- Apps, Music & Audio
- December 9, 2019
- Google Play
- 1.0
- Android 4.4 - KitKat
- Editor's Choice Apps
- 0
Virtual Dj Apk Uptodown
The description Virtual DJ Mixer 2020 Apk
provides some songs in the play with the equalizer support.
You can add playlist from sdcard or the default playlist (MP3).
allows you to play music to become a professional DJ.
Key Features:-
* Best DJ user interface like a real dj machine where the virtual dj machine is flying and where you can move around the virtual dj machine for seeing its beauty from different angles by just scrolling. Lock and reset feature is available at the top-right corner of the screen to reset to the original position
* Discs with album arts
* Central control to play/pause next/previous both the discs
* Autofade ( Automatic Crossfade ) with adjustable timer & ON/OFF feature
* Button click fade – it's like autofade on clicking the buttons
* Manual song shift slider / crossfader
* Mixer with playlist, equalizer, volume controls and many features
* Browse and play your music by albums, artists, folders, composers, genres, playlists, songs, more advanced browsing like albums of particular artist & genre
* First ever virtual dj app with 10 Band Equalizer - Under the Dj push-button-sliding, beautifully animated 10 Band Equalizer for Android 2.3+. 10 bands give you more precise control with more accuracy. 17 in-built presets in the equalizer - Classical, Club, Dance, Full Bass, Full Bass and Treble, Full Treble, Headphones, Large Hall, Live, Party, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Ska, Soft, Soft Rock & Techno
* Sampler Addon - 4 sets (Default, 808 Drum Kit, Drum Kit, Rise n Drop - each having 6 sound samples) with 3 modes of play - Play/Cut Play, Loop and Play/Stop
* Record - Record your performance / mixes / remixes / music with the record feature at the top-center of this dj app
* Pre-cueing / Pre-listening / Split Audio Output
* Pitch Slider
* Sound Effects / SFX
* Low Pass Filter & High Pass Filter
* 4 Hot Cues per turntable / deck
* Loop features - In/Out, Seconds & Reloop/Exit
* Cue Buttons
* Play/Pause Next/Previous per turntable / deck
* Shuffle / Play All / Play Single
Download an application of this DJ mixing mp3 now and enjoy the best.
Virtual DJ Mixer 2020 1.0 APK Download BoxBack top
- 1.0
- Android 4.4 - KitKat (SDK: 19)
- December 9, 2019
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- android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
- android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS
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- android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
- android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
- android.permission.INTERNET
- com.virtualdj.mixerdj.permission.C2D_MESSAGE
- com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE
- android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
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- android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
- com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ
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- com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS
- com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT
- com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE
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- com.anddoes.launcher.permission.UPDATE_COUNT
- com.majeur.launcher.permission.UPDATE_BADGE
- com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.CHANGE_BADGE
- com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS
- com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
- android.permission.READ_APP_BADGE
- com.oppo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS
- com.oppo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
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