Tinker Tools Dnd

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  1. Cobbler’s Tools. As always I look to what has come before me, and check out Xanathar’s Guide to Everything on page 80. Cobbler’s Tools. Although the cobbler's trade might seem too humble for an adventurer, a good pair of boots will see a character across.
  2. Jun 04, 2019 Weapons: Tinkerer's have the ability to use Simple Weapons, but have no access to shields. They also are able to use any weapon of their own design without penalty. Tools: You are proficient in Tinkers tools and Blacksmithing tools. Skills: Choose two from: Investigation, Perception, or Athletics.

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Artisan’s Tools. These special tools include the items needed to pursue a craft or trade. The table shows examples of the most common types of tools, each providing items related to a single craft. Proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using the tools in your craft.

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Install Roll20 Enhancement Suite and Tampermonkey (Chrome/Firefox), and get the betteR20 script using this link.


As a player, you can import character options, spells, and items to quickly fill out a sheet. As a GM, you can additionally import monsters, tables, and adventures.

To import monsters, your game must have a default character sheet. We strongly recommend using OGL when importing, then switching to another afterwards if desired. (When switching to the Shaped sheet, be sure to open up NPC sheets after import to let them convert.)

Check the installation guide on the wiki, and check the Help page for some basic pointers on how to use the script.


Is there a wiki?Here. Contributions are welcome.

Is it free? Yes! Additionally, you can download the source at get.5e.tools. See the README or the wiki for help.

Can I contribute? A copy of the source is available on GitHub. Note that this is a secondary mirror, and so is not guaranteed to be up-to-date.

Browser and device support? The latest desktop versions of Chrome and Firefox.

Where's my stuff? There's no account system. Everything is stored in cookies. If you wipe those, or close your incognito window, it's gone forever. You can download your data for safekeeping via the Settings menu.

Anything else I should know? Hold SHIFT when hovering to lock a window in place. Everything has tooltips. You will forever be a DM.


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Tinker Tools 5e

Need a debate solved by a third party.
I'm making a Gnome Rogue with the Guild Artificer background. The campaign will be in a city and I've made a character with that in mind. Rogue gives me Proficiency in Thieves Tools and I start with a set. Guild Artificer gives me in Proficiency in a set of Artisan tools (I chose Glassblowing), I also get a set of those to start. Gnome gives me Proficiency in Tinkers Tools and I can use them to make 3, hard-coded, little baubles. They cost money, break quick, and offer no mechanical ( = Combat) boost. Unlike Rogue and Guild Artificer, Gnome does not explicitly state that I start with Tinker's Tools.
The GM is saying I don't get to start with Tinker's Tools because the book doesn't say that I do.
My argument is I have a special ability tied to my characters race that requires those tools. Everything else that gives tool proficiency also gives the tools to start. Thus, this is some sort of typo and I should start with them.
His argument is if he lets me start with an item the book doesn't say, the other players will want to start with magic weapons ('family heirlooms') and better armor.
My retort is those characters don't start with a useless ability because they lack the necessary equipment. Also, the tools have zero mechanical effect and are just there for RP. I won't be tinkering a thug to death. Maybe I've lost perspective, but this seems like a no-brainer to me. It's like if they forgot to explicitly state the Bard starts with an instrument and so he can't use any of his abilities - and the GM says 'Rules are rules.'